Stockpile Measurement

Drone Stockpile Measurement Techniques

Utilizing drone technology for drone stockpile measurement offers precision and efficiency. This upgrade from traditional methods trims down the time needed from weeks to mere minutes and offers substantial cost savings. In this article, we delve into how drones are rapidly becoming essential tools for inventory management by improving data accuracy and reducing risks in hazardous measuring environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Drones improve stockpile measurement by providing more accurate, efficient, and faster data collection, allowing for detailed 3D modeling and volumetric analysis.
  • The application of drone technology improves inventory accuracy, reduces operational costs, enhances safety, and streamlines inventory management across industries like mining and construction.
  • Using drones for stockpile measurement is cost-effective, as it significantly lowers labor costs, mitigates risk of costly errors, and integrates seamlessly with inventory systems for real-time updates.

Leveraging Drones for Enhanced Stockpile Measurement

The process of measuring stockpiles has been modernized by drones, which offer an efficient method for delivering accurate data on stockpiled bulk materials. They facilitate more accurate and frequent updates to inventory counts, helping to avoid over-ordering of materials and maintaining accurate stock levels. By using drones to measure stockpiles, companies can streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency.

Drones not only enhance the efficiency of data collection but also significantly cut down the time required to scan a site. For instance, a 15-acre site that would take over two weeks to scan with traditional laser scanners can now be covered in as short as a 20-40 minute drone flight.

Furthermore, software solutions like Botlink’s (see more here: offer capabilities where maps and volume calculations for stockpiles can be processed and delivered to customers rapidly (sometimes within minutes) enhancing operational speed in sectors like mining.

The Advent of Drone Technology in Stockpile Measurement

Drone technology has seamlessly integrated into traditional methods of stockpile measurement, representing a shift towards automation and increased precision. The necessity of hours or days for stockpile measurement is replaced by minutes. Drones employ photogrammetry, collecting aerial images that are then processed into 3-D models, offering detailed insights into stockpile volumes.

While there are considerations such as cost intensity, the requirement for surveyor operation, and the accuracy of the data captured, the benefits of using drone technology far outweigh the concerns.

Capturing High Resolution Imagery from Above

Generating precise volume measurements of stockpiles necessitates high-quality imagery. Drones excel in this aspect by capturing high-resolution aerial imagery. The images collected by drones are intentionally overlapped between shots to create accurate 3D models necessary for measuring stockpile volumes. Drones can autonomously determine their flight paths when capturing aerial images of stockpiles, using inputted variables such as GPS data or ground control points. This autonomous flight path determination helps in maintaining the precision of the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD), a critical aspect that influences the accuracy of drone-captured data and subsequent 3D models used for stockpile volume calculations.

From Images to Accurate Volume Data

Proprietary algorithms and patented technology, such as those found in the SR Measure app, facilitate the transition from images to accurate volume data. These technologies enable:

  • The conversion of drone images into accurate volume measurements
  • Auto-correcting obstructed views
  • Providing an objective surface score for the stockpiles.

Photogrammetry techniques play a vital role in measuring stockpiles. Here’s how it works:

  1. Multiple aerial 2D images are captured using a drone.
  2. The images are processed using software like Pix4Dmapper.
  3. A polygon is marked over the areas in the imagery.
  4. The software calculates the cut volume, fill volume, and total volume of the stockpile, allowing you to calculate stockpile volume accurately and measure stockpile volumes effectively.
  5. Site engineers can use this data to effectively track stockpile quantities for planning purposes.

Using photogrammetry offers accurate measurements, providing improved accuracy over traditional methods and helping streamline stockpile management with free measurement.

The Accuracy Advantage: Measuring Stockpile Volumes with Drones

The accuracy of drones gives them an edge in measuring stockpile volumes. Drones can achieve accuracy down to the centimeter for stockpile volume measurements, which is highly beneficial for sites requiring precise data. UAV photogrammetry enables accurate determination of stockpile dimensions with horizontal accuracies in the range of 1 cm and elevation accuracies around 2 to 3 cm over hard surfaces.

Comparisons between drone measurements and traditional methods, such as a walking wheel or tape measurement, have demonstrated that drone technology offers a smaller margin of error and hence more dependable precision in volume calculations. The accuracy of drone measurements has led to significant improvements in financial forecasting and inventory counting accuracy in various industries. Some benefits of using drone technology for measurements include:

  • Smaller margin of error
  • More precise volume calculations
  • Improved financial forecasting
  • Increased inventory counting accuracy

In some cases, transitioning to drone-based measurements, with the added benefit of one free measurement, has uncovered up to 30% discrepancies in reporting.

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Manual Estimation

Eliminating the pitfalls of manual estimation is one of the significant advantages of drone measurements. Drones can complete the measuring process of stockpiles significantly faster than manual tools, accomplishing the task in minutes instead of hours or days. The precision of drone measurements provides a standard and independent method for inventory control, removing user bias and errors associated with manual estimates. In contrast, manual methods such as eyeballing or counting loads often lead to significant inaccuracies, whereas drone data is far more reliable.

More reliable data from drones provides several benefits, including:

  • Decreasing the risk of over-purchasing or underestimating material needs
  • Refining inventory management and reducing write-offs
  • Enhancing safety by providing a perspective that aids in monitoring stockpile volumes over time
  • Identifying potential safety hazards associated with stockpile changes

How Drone Measurements Stand Up Against Traditional Equipment

When compared to traditional equipment, drone measurements stand tall, thanks to advanced technologies like RTK (Real Time Kinematic) GPS integration and photogrammetry. Drones equipped with payloads like the Zenmuse P1 for photogrammetry or the Zenmuse L1 for LIDAR mapping assure stockpile volume measurement accuracy down to the centimeter. In comparison to photogrammetry, LiDAR technology (when mounted on drones) can deliver higher point densities, with a higher accuracy even in low light conditions.

The accuracy of LIDAR-derived point clouds is dependent on the precision of the LIDAR sensor and the quality of the Inertial Navigation System—affecting overall accuracy in stockpile volume measurements.

Streamlining Inventory Management with Drone Data Collection

Inventory management is significantly streamlined by drone data collection. By enabling faster measurements and improved safety, drones lead to reduced costs and enhanced decision-making. Traditional stockpile measurement methods could take hours or even days, but drones can accomplish the same task within minutes, creating a more dynamic and responsive inventory management process.

For instance, construction contractors can realize substantial cost reductions by minimizing unnecessary material movement on-site, a result made possible by precise drone-acquired stockpile data.

Real-Time Inventory Updates at Your Fingertips

Drones drastically reduce the time required for stockpile data collection, completing what could take weeks in a single 20-40 minute flight. This enables more efficient management of site inventories, confident sales order fulfillment, and improved production forecasting.

The reduction in time spent on stockpile measurements is achieved through drones enabling workers to:

  • Focus on critical job functions
  • Avoid delays in data acquisition
  • Contribute to overall operational efficiency
  • Enhance worker safety

Integrating Drone Data into Inventory Systems

Data processed from drone inventory scans can be directly exported to ERP systems or Excel, allowing for accurate volume, density, and tonnage calculations and transforming the way companies manage their materials. Accurate drone-based stockpile measurements help prevent overestimation of material orders, significantly reducing waste and unnecessary expenditure, improving overall inventory management.

For example, Botlink’s drone solution enhances operational workflow by providing project managers with dynamic data for better planning of work, schedules, and logistics, while also saving time and money compared to traditional third-party stockpile measurement services. Using drones for stockpile measurement can greatly improve efficiency and accuracy in various industries.

Safety First: Reducing Risks with Drone Stockpile Measurements

Offering a faster and more reliable alternative to traditional measurement methods, drones enhance overall safety for surveyors. Traditional survey methods like GPS, GNSS, total stations, and manual tape can be hazardous, whereas drone measurement eliminates these risks. Drones radically increase worker safety by reducing the need for personnel to navigate dangerous terrain for stockpile measurements.

The use of drones eliminates the risk for workers when measuring unpredictable and hazardous stockpiles, such as those with sharp and jagged rock edges. Implementing drone technology for stockpile measurements substantially improves both worker efficiency and worker safety in industrial settings like mining.

Keeping Workers Away from Dangerous Piles

Drone technology in stockpile measurements promotes worker safety by negating the necessity for personnel to put themselves at risk in hazardous conditions for manual measurements. With the use of stockpile calculations, manual measurements of stockpiles traditionally required workers to physically navigate and climb piles, which posed significant risks of injury.

Drone measurements are executed from a distance, ensuring that human operators can remain at a safe location away from potential dangers such as stockpile collapses or falls.

Enhancing Site Safety Protocols with Aerial Surveillance

Drones provide a valuable aerial perspective that can significantly enhance the overall safety of a site. The use of drones simplifies warehouse inspections by acquiring visual data, eliminating the physical need to access hard-to-reach and potentially hazardous areas.

Aerial surveillance with drones aids businesses in complying with regulatory standards such as the EU Emissions Trading System, which requires mass balance reporting for CO2 emissions. Integrating drone technology for aerial surveillance is a vital practice for maintaining rigorous safety protocols and ensuring compliance with various regulatory standards that govern site operations.

Cost-Effectiveness of Drone Stockpile Measurement

An 84% reduction in labor costs can be achieved by using drones for stockpile measurements, as they streamline the measurement process. The West Virginia Department of Transportation demonstrated the budgetary impact of drone usage by saving $343,000 in one month for stockpile measurement. Drone surveys can offer substantial cost savings, ranging from $500-$1000 per survey, or $100-$200 per flight if managed internally. Drones eliminate the need for heavy machinery and belt scales, which reduces the costs associated with traditional equipment. Drones provide more accurate stockpile measurements compared to traditional methods, reducing the costly errors associated with manual estimates.

Efficiency gains from using drones extend beyond a single site, as the time saved from weeks to minutes across multiple locations leads to significant net savings. Consumer-grade UAVs are significantly less expensive than traditional surveying instruments like DGPS systems, making it a more accessible solution for stockpile measurement.

Cutting Down Operational Expenses

Using drones for stockpile measurements leads to significant labor cost reductions by diminishing the need for manual labor. At Rickabaugh Construction, implementing drone surveying saved nearly 22 hours of labor weekly, showcasing a concrete case of labor cost savings. By incorporating drones and tools like Botlink’s pile measurement feature, companies are able to forgo expensive traditional methods, reducing overall operational costs.

Drone stockpile surveys can be conducted at a cost as low as $100-$200 per flight in-house, a stark contrast to the cost of traditional surveys or laser scanning.

Avoiding Costly Inventory Errors

The accuracy of drone stockpile measurements offers several benefits, including:

  • Preventing overordering or underordering of materials, thereby reducing waste and avoiding costly inventory errors
  • Facilitating same-day retrieval of measurements, reducing the high costs of traditional aerial flyovers
  • Minimizing ground movement through 4D mapping, lowering logistics expenses
  • Providing early data critical for accurate financial forecasting and cost-effective material ordering

Drone technology has revolutionized stockpile measurements and offers significant advantages for businesses in various industries.

Case Studies: Success Stories in Drone Stockpile Measurement

The benefits of drone stockpile measurement are tangibly demonstrated through case studies. Rickabaugh Construction in Oregon successfully implemented Propeller’s drone surveying technology for earthwork progress tracking and stockpile volume management. The application of drone technology led to tangible improvements in stockpile measurement accuracy and data reliability. Drone surveying significantly enhanced the safety and efficiency of operations at Rickabaugh Construction, mitigating risks associated with manual data collection.

Substantial cost savings were realized as a result of the reduced need for manual topographic information gathering and increased operational efficiencies.

Mining Operations Embracing Drone Technology

Mining operations have also embraced drone technology for stockpile measurement. One industrial corporation saw an 84% reduction in labor costs associated with its stockpile inventory measurement cycle through the adoption of drone technology. Nevada Gold Mines employs eleven licensed drone pilots who conduct daily early morning flights across a 40-mile stretch of land to collect data for operational decision-making.

To maintain measurement accuracy, Nevada Gold Mines conducts extended drone flights at month’s end to address any potential volume inaccuracies from the daily flights.

Construction Sites Benefiting from Drone Insights

Construction sites are also reaping the benefits of drone insights. Companies adopt drone technology to enhance efficiency in measuring stockpiles. Drones accelerate the stockpile measurement process, enabling construction sites to have faster access to critical data.

The precision of drone-based data collection leads to more accurate stockpile measurements, which is crucial for effective planning. Improved planning and material management at construction sites are direct outcomes of the implementation of drone insights.

Optimizing Workflow with Automated Stockpile Reports

The accuracy and workflow are both improved with automated stockpile reports generated by drones. Drones can significantly enhance efficiency in warehouse operations by automating tasks such as counting, scanning, and replenishing inventory. Continuous measurement using autonomous drones from Stockpile Reports delivers real-time inventory data that is vital for optimizing the supply chain.

The real-time information provided by autonomous drones represents a substantial progression towards complete autonomy in stockpile measurement. The industry is advancing towards autonomous stockpile measurement through zero touch, high-frequency automated data collection systems. By offering actionable data, DroneDeploy’s cloud photogrammetry technology processes up to 10,000 images simultaneously, expediting the creation of stockpile reports efficiently.

Generating Comprehensive Inventory Reports with Ease

With the combination of drone technology and software like DroneDeploy, the aerial data collected during flights is automatically processed into complete 3D models and detailed inventory reports. These comprehensive reports include critical inventory measurements such as volume, slope, and distance, as well as the ability to analyze Earthworks for progress validation.

Enhancing efficiency further, drones programmed with certain software can initiate automatic stock replenishment when inventory levels deplete to defined thresholds.

Streamlined Decision-Making Based on Accurate Information

Accurate and rapid data acquisition by drones is game-changing. It allows project managers to make well-informed choices regarding material procurement and waste reduction. Drone stockpile measurements offer increased speed and accuracy compared to traditional methods.

These improvements in measurement capabilities enhance decision-making processes within inventory management.


In conclusion, drones have revolutionized stockpile measurement and inventory management by offering a method that delivers accurate data rapidly, significantly reduces labor costs, and improves overall efficiency. The advent of drone technology, the ability to capture high-resolution imagery, and the conversion of images into accurate volume data have made this possible. The accuracy advantage of drones over traditional methods, the ability to streamline inventory management with drone data collection, and the enhanced safety they offer, have underscored their value. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of drone stockpile measurement, as demonstrated by numerous case studies, and the optimization of workflow with automated stockpile reports, make drones an indispensable tool in modern inventory management.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you measure a stockpile?

You can measure a stockpile using manual methods such as the walking wheel, truckload or bucketload measurements, or by “eyeballing” the measurement. These are different options to consider when calculating the volume or size of a stockpile.

What is stockpile estimation using drone?

Estimating stockpiles using drones allows for easy comparison of current volumes with previous surveys and tracking site progress, as well as comparing surveys to a final grade design file for material calculations.

What is drone volume measurement?

Drone volume measurement, also known as volumetrics, uses remote sensing techniques to measure, model, and analyze the volume of material in geospatial science.

What is the formula for the volume of a stockpile?

The formula for the volume of a stockpile is V = 1.0472 r^2 H, where r is the base radius and H is the height of the stockpile. This formula can be used to calculate the volume of a cone-shaped stockpile.

How do drones enhance stockpile measurement?

Drones enhance stockpile measurement by providing fast and accurate data, reducing labor costs, improving efficiency, and enhancing safety by minimizing the need for personnel to navigate hazardous terrain. Overall, they streamline inventory management effectively.